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kublai khan n.忽必烈〔1216?-1294,元世祖,中國元朝皇帝,...


The monastery was one of the most important projects at the time when kublai khan , the first emperor who first named his kingdom the yuan , built his great capital city at dadu ( today ' s beijing ) 以白塔為中心營建的原大圣壽萬安寺更成為元代的皇家道場、宗教圣地,在國家統一、民族團結、社會穩定等方面發揮了極其重要的作用。

Kublai khan had given the brothers a letter asking the pope to send 100 of his most learned scholars to try to prove to the great khan that christianity was the best religion 在忽必烈交給兄弟倆的信中,他請求教皇派100名學識最淵博的學者去向他證明基督教使最好的宗教。

Interested visitors can see it on display , together with the ancient dark green jade jar said to have been part of kublai khan ' s court belongings 感興趣的游客仍然可以看到它和那個墨玉的玉甕,都是忽必烈留下的財產。

From acre they traveled overland on horseback to jerusalem to collect the oil for kublai khan 從阿里克出發,他們騎馬經由路陸到了耶路撒冷,去取忽必烈大汗想要的燈油。